Performing work restoring a painting

Donate to MACC

The Midwest Art Conservation Center is a non-profit organization for the preservation and conservation of art and artifacts, providing treatment, education, and training for museums, historical societies, libraries, other cultural institutions, artists, and the public.

MACC’s skilled conservators work with this region’s largest institutions but also travel across the Midwest reaching small and medium-size museums, historical societies, tribal collections, libraries, and archives. They perform conservation treatments, conduct general collection surveys, furnish designs for storage and exhibition methods, test for safe light levels, humidity controls, security protocols, and provide essential information and trainings for the staffs of collecting institutions, and the public-at-large. Aside from treatments and trainings, MACC answers thousands of collections care inquiries by email and phone each year.

Artists and the stewards of collections, such as the volunteers, boards, and staffs of hundreds of small to mid-sized institutions, rely heavily on this guidance and assistance from MACC. Many of these are the people, organizations, and collections most in need and with the fewest resources.

Your donation directly supports our mission and is invaluable to our organization.

Monthly Donations

If you want to support us with a monthly donation, please visit our GiveMN donation page.

One-time Donation