State Grants

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State Historical Society of Iowa

ICPC Scholarship
Deadline:  ongoing

Iowa residents who have worked in museums, libraries, and archives and are members of ICPC are eligible to apply for reimbursement for the cost of training at qualified institutions.  Grant Amount/Period: up to $500/year.  Contact: Grace Linden, [email protected].

More information available here.

Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium

Country School Grant Program
Deadline: TBD 2025

The State Historical Society of Iowa provides funds for the preservation and maintenance of Iowa’s one- and two-room country schools, as well as for educational programming that takes place at country schools.  Grant Amount/Period: up to $5,000/year.  Matching required.  Contact Kristen Van der Molen, 515-281-4228, [email protected]  

More information available here.

Historical Resource Development Program Grants
Deadline: TBD 2025

Historical Resource Development Program (HRDP) Grants may be used to support the preservation and conservation of historic resources, as well as for professional training and educational programs related to the stewardship of historical resources.  HRDP grants may be used to fund some emergency projects.  Funded projects must fall into one of the following grant categories:  Documentary Collections; Historic Preservation; Museums.  Grant Amount/Period:  up to $50,000/year. Matching required. Contact:  Kristen Van der Molen, 515-281-4228, [email protected] 

More information available here.

Capacity Building Grant
Deadline: TBD 2023 (last deadline: May 2, 2022)

Apply for general operating support for nonprofit arts and culture organizations with annual revenue between $10,000 and $150,000 that demonstrate an exemplary record of cultural and managerial excellence and community service on a continuing basis to the citizens of Iowa. Grant Amount/Period: $5,000 / one year. Contact: Jennie Knoebel at 515-242-6194 or [email protected] 

More information here.


Kansas Humanities Council

Culture Preservation Grants
Deadlines: TBD 2025 (last deadline: February 26, May 27 and September 23, 2024)

Heritage Grants support projects that preserve and interpret local historical and cultural resources. Projects eligible for heritage grant support include research, oral histories, collections care, collection digitization, language preservation, and hands-on training. Using a knowledgeable heritage consultant and implementing acceptable “best practices” are the keys to successful projects. Grant Amount: up to $3,500. Multiple application deadlines each year. Contact: [email protected] or (785) 357-0359

More information here.

Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Deadline: TBD 2023 (last deadline: March 11, 2022)

The Kansas State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers Historic Preservation Fund grants to support local preservation activities. HPF projects must result in a tangible product. Grant Amount/Period: varies – previous projects have been awarded between $5,000 and $20,000 /1 year. Matching required. Contact: Grants Manager, 785-272-8681, ext. 240, [email protected] 

More information here.

Heritage Trust Fund Grants
Deadline: November 1, 2024

The Heritage Trust Fund is a state program that provides matching funds for the preservation of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the Register of Historic Kansas Places.  Grant Amount/Period:  up to $90,000/1 year.  Matching required.  Contact:  Grants Manager, 785-272-8681, ext. 240, [email protected]

More information here.


Kentucky Historical Society

Kentucky Local History Trust Fund
Deadline: TBD 2025 (last deadline: October 14, 2023)

Local history organizations, libraries, museums and other groups are eligible to apply for grants to support activities designed to strengthen the organization. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, artifact conservation, UV protection, digitization of photo collections, educational programming and implementation, and exhibits.

Grant Amount: up to $1,000 for planning grants and $2,500 for implementation grants. Contact: 502-564-1792, or email Dr. Amanda Higgins at [email protected].

More information here.


Minnesota Historical Society

Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants   
Small Grants (up to $10,000) | October 11, 2024 / January 10, 2025 / April 11, 2025
Large Grants (over $10,000) | required pre-application: TBA 2025 (last deadline May 21, 2024) / final application deadline: July 26, 2024

Heritage Partnership Program | required pre-application: January 24, 2025 / final application deadline: March 7, 2025

Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants (provided for by the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment of 2008) are intended to preserve and enhance access to Minnesota’s cultural and historical resources and to support projects of enduring value to the state.  Grants may fund projects that address collections care and management of library and archival materials and museum collections, reprographic projects, digital conversion and access, preservation planning, historic preservation, and National Register nominations.

Small Grants and Structured Grants (also called Fast Track Grants) are awarded in amounts not to exceed $10,000.

Heritage Partnership Program Grants are more competitive than Small Grants and require more rigorous review and oversight and funds capacity building and program development of history-based partnerships through the state.  For all grants, work must be completed within twelve months.  Contact: Grants Office, 651-259-3467, [email protected]

More information here.


Missouri Humanities Council

Missouri Humanities Council Grants
Mini-Grant Deadlines:  May 1 and November 1
Major Grant Deadlines:  February 1 and August 1 

MHC awards grants to non-profit organizations including museums, libraries, educational institutions, local government, civic associations, and other similar organizations for programs in any format that facilitates interaction between public audiences and humanities experts such as scholars, authors, and educators. MHC will also assist with funding for projects such as (but not limited to): interpretive exhibits, content-based web site enhancements, living history and museum theater presentations that include interpretive elements, presentations in the creative and performing arts that include humanities-based discussion, teachers’ workshops in the humanities, panel discussions and other types of public forums on humanities-related topics, and media and publication projects that support the mission of a humanities-based organization or institution. A key factor that MHC council members will consider in evaluating applications is whether or not humanities experts or scholars are involved in the planning, development, and execution of the activity.

Mini-grant amounts are up to $2,500. Major grant amounts are $2,501 – $10,000. Matching may be required. Contact: [email protected]

More information is available here.

Missouri State Archives

Missouri Historical Records Grants Program 
Deadline: March 1, 2025

The Missouri Historical Records Grants Program is a partnership between the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) and the Missouri State Archives to preserve and make accessible Missouri’s historical records. Applicants must be located in Missouri. Grant Amount/Period:  up to $25,000/1 year.  Matching required. Contact: [email protected] 573 751-9047

More information available here.


Rural Nebraska Historic Preservation Grant

The objective of the Rural Nebraska Historic Preservation Grant Program is to support the rehabilitation of historic structures at the national, state, and local levels of significance in order to rehabilitate, protect, and foster economic development in rural communities. This program will fund physical preservation projects, including architectural and engineering consultation (up to 20% of the total project cost) for historic sites located in Nebraska’s rural communities with a population of less than 30,000. Grants will be awarded from $10,000 up to $75,000.

More information found here.

North Dakota

State Historical Society of North Dakota 

Archival Supply Purchase Grants
Deadline:  Ongoing

The Cultural Heritage Grant Program provides funding for North Dakota’s local and county historical societies, museums, and archives to support the purchase of archival storage materials.  The grant cannot be used for the purchase of computers or computer software.  Grant Amount/Period:  up to $1500/2 year grant cycle.  No matching.  Contact: Amy Munson, 701-328-3573, [email protected]

More information found here.

Heritage Training Scholarships
Deadline: Ongoing

As part of the Cultural Heritage Grant Program, the State Historical Society of North Dakota has agreed to provide Heritage Training Scholarships to help museum personnel at local and county historical societies who wish to participate in training opportunities.  Grant Amount/Period:  up to $2,000/2 year grant cycle.  Contact: Amy Munson, 701-328-3573, [email protected]

More information found here.


Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Program
Deadline:  TBD 2025 (last deadline: November 1)

The Oklahoma Historical Society awards grants to municipal, county, or tribal government, and not-for-profit historical organizations or friends groups of historical organizations registered with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. The grants are specific to four categories: collections, exhibits, programs, and capacity building.  All applicants must have a strategic plan to be eligible. Grant Amount/Period: $1,000 to $20,000/1 year. ($500 to $5,000 maybe requested for the development of a strategic plan.) Cash matching of ten (10) percent required for applicants requesting $5,000 to $20,000.  Contact:  Grants Administrator Nicole Harvey, 405-522-5202, [email protected].

More information can be found here.

National Register Nomination Grants
Deadline: Applications accepted February 1 through April 30

The Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers National Register Nomination Grants, which are designed to encourage the nomination of eligible properties to the National Register in order to improve the preservation of Oklahoma’s valuable archaeological and historical resources. Funds must be used to retain the services of a qualified professional consultant to conduct the necessary research and to prepare application materials. Grant Amount/ Period: up to $1000/1 year. Matching required. Contact: Matthew Pearce, [email protected].

More information can be found here

Certified Local Government Grants
Deadline: TBD 2025: (last deadline March 29, 2024)

Eligible local government entities may apply for grants to support efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect Oklahoma’s historic and archaeological resources. Grant Amount/Period: varies/grant cycle. Matching required. Contact: Shea Otley, 405-522-4485, [email protected].

More information may be found here

South Dakota

Professional Development Grants
Deadline:  Ongoing 

Professional Development Grants assist South Dakota non-profit organizations by funding attendance at professional development activities that benefit both the organization and the individual attending. All application materials must be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the proposed activity. Grant Amount: up to $500. Matching required. Contact:  Grants staff, 605-773-3301, [email protected]

More information here.

Technical Assistance Grants
Deadline:  Ongoing

Technical Assistance Grants allow South Dakota non-profit organizations to consult with specialists on technical matters provided the needed expertise is not available within the organization. All application materials must be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the proposed activity. Grant Amount:  up to $500/1 year. Matching required. Contact:  Grants staff, 605-773-3301, [email protected]  

More information here.

South Dakota State Historical Society

Deadwood Fund Historic Preservation Grants
Deadline (two dates each year): February 1 and October 1 

Deadwood Fund Historic Preservation Grants are awarded to South Dakota institutions to complete projects that retain, restore, or rehabilitate historic buildings, structures, or archaeological sites in South Dakota for residential, commercial, or public purposes.  Projects must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.  Properties must be listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  Grant Amount/Period:  $1,000-25,000/1 year.  Matching required.  Contact:  State Historical Preservation Office, 605-773-3458, [email protected]

More information here.

South Dakota Arts Council

Project Grants
Deadline:  TBD 2025 (last deadline: March 1, 2024)

Project Grants help South Dakota non-profit arts organizations present an activity in any arts discipline as long as it serves the general public while meeting specific needs for the applicant organization. Grant Amount/Period: up to $5,000/granting cycle. Matching required. Contact: Grants staff, 605-773-3301, [email protected]

More information here.


Wisconsin Historical Society

Local History Grants for Collection Care and Management
Deadline: Guidelines and applications will be available in January 2025

Wisconsin Historical Society affiliates are eligible to apply for WHS mini-grants to support projects and activities related to preservation, collections care, and collections management. Grant Amount/Period: up to $700/year. Matching required. Contact: Janet Seymour (Northern Representative), 715-836-2250, [email protected] or Rick Bernstein (Southern Representative), 608-264-6583, [email protected]  

More information can be found here. 

Wisconsin Certified Local Government Subgrants
Deadline:  TBD 2025 (last deadlines: September 13, 2024 (letter of intent), December 13, 2024 (application))

Wisconsin Certified Local Governments may apply for assistance with local preservation projects. Grant Amount/Period:  varies per year.  Contact:  Joe DeRose, 608-264-6512, [email protected]

More information can be found here.  

Wisconsin Federation of Museums

Wisconsin Federation of Museums Mini-grants
Deadline:  Guidelines and applications will be available in January 2025

Eligible Wisconsin organizations may apply for small grants to assist with preservation, exhibition, and interpretation of collections.  Grants may also be used for professional development for staff and to enhance technological capabilities. Grant Amount/Period:  up to $700/1 year. Matching required for grants larger than $375. Contact:  Tamara Lange, 920-458-1103, [email protected]

More information can be found here.