Minneapolis Institute of Art - image by McGheiver on Wikimedia Commons


An annual MACC membership is available to non-profit organizations and government entities that are custodians of works of art or other objects of cultural value. MACC membership is optional but an important part of an organization’s overall commitment to conservation and preservation activities. Annual membership is low-cost and based on a sliding fee scale. There are also many benefits to becoming a member of MACC:

  • Free In-Lab Reports on Condition and Proposals for Treatment
  • 15% Discount on Treatment Rates
  • Participation in Board of Directors elections 
    The following are always free: 
  • 24-Hour Disaster Recovery Assistance
  • Free Loans of Dataloggers and UV Light Meters
  • Access to MACC’s Library & Technical Leaflets
  • Free Consultation and Information
  • Free Grant Preparation Assistance